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Message to Joel A. Levine

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Joel A. Levine - Native American lawyer in Austin TX

Joel A. Levine

Law Office of Joel A. Levine
(512) 982-1510
(512) 982-1510

Practice Areas

About Joel A. Levine

The Law Office of Joel A. Levine fights for Texans’™ rights, with a focus on personal injury claims and construction defects. Joel Levine earned his law degree from the South Texas College of Law in Houston. He is a member of the Texas State Bar, the Austin Bar Association, and the Austin Young Lawyers Association.


Texas, United States Licensed for 16 Years Nov 2008 16 Years Nov 2008


Skill: Conversational Lawyer


South Texas College of Law Houston Juris Doctor Law - Litigation 2008


Texas State Bar Member
Austin Bar Association Member
Western District of Texas Federal Court Member
Austin Young Lawyers Association Member
Real Estate Council of Austin Member
Austin Young Chamber of Commerce Member


Primary Office Location

pin 1515 W. Koenig Ln, Suite 100 Austin TX 78756

pin (512) 982-1510

Social Media

Twitter page for Joel A. Levine - Native American attorney in Austin Facebook page for Joel A. Levine - Native American attorney in Austin Twitter page for Joel A. Levine - Native American attorney in Austin Instagram page for Joel A. Levine - Native American attorney in Austin LinkedIn page for Joel A. Levine - Native American attorney in Austin
Message Joel A. Levine
(512) 982-1510